Wednesday, September 11, 2019


Lower back pain is so common now a day. It affects about 80 % people all around the world. If you are suffering from minor back pain, than it normally gets better within few days or weeks.  And if it’s still there after three months or more than you need to get it serious.
Lower back pain can be of two types; acute and chronic. Acute pain is sharp, severe and has sudden onset. You might got in a car accident, fell down from the stairs, or threw out your back while lifting something, these all can be the possible reasons of acute back pain.
Chronic lower back pain is difficult to manage. It comes around again and again.
In either case, staying physically active is the key which helps you to conquer the pain.
According to a recent survey, one quarter of adults have at least one day of lower back pain in a three month period.

Factors contributing to lower back pain:

·         Poor posture; a survey shows that, it is the most common reason. People all around the world can’t keep their backs straight while sitting which often cause pain in back.
·         Sedentary lifestyle; we all love to sit. Sitting while working, sitting while doing all other things, sitting while engaged in any activity like reading, watching television, playing video games. In short, we are doing little or no physical activity. 
·         Accident or injury can also be the reason of lower back pain.
·         Obesity; it is also a major problem of today’s world that causes different diseases and back pain.
·         Stress/anxiety; is also a very major problem in people of every age.
·         Heavy lifting in the workplace

How to get rid of lower back pain?

There are many ways by which you can control or reduce the lower back pain.
·         Anti-inflammatory drugs can help reduce lower back pain. You can use spirin, ibuprofen and naproxen sodium.
·         Keep moving, don’t just lay on bad. Keep doing your daily activities. Exercises like swimming, bicycling, and walking can keep you and your back more mobile. Just don't overdo it.
·         Don't sit in your desk chair all day. Get up every 20 minutes or so and stretch the other way.
·         Some people find relief from their back pain by doing a regular stretching routine, like yoga.
·         Be especially careful of your posture when lifting heavy objects. Never bend over from the waist. Instead, bend and straighten from the knees.
·         Wear low heels, high heels create more pressure on your lower spine.
·         Physical therapy can also be a good option. You might use an ice pack. Or you can also use a heating pack.


Your daily routine or how you’re doing your daily activities is important in order to get relief from lower back pain. Try to be as active as you can.
Pain management institute is helping people to cure acute and chronic long term pain to resume a normal life style. PMI has provided many treatments like stem cell therapy.
 For more details call on 815-412-6174